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1/6/2004: Indier
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Again, happened
Posted at 10:20:57 PM on Jan 5, 2004 by kip
Yeah, I was in the Exclusive Company in Brookfield last week and this guy came up to me while browsing and he let me know about some staggering gaps in my music knowledge. He was totally kicking my ass, indie wise (he does music bookings for the Rave) but I pulled through with my appreciation of Guided by Voices ("Oh, those guys were ahead of their time, man!") and the Magnetic Fields. Plus I live in Chicago. I might not go to that many shows... But I live in Chicago. I guess that's good enough.

Truth be told, he was a pretty nice guy (although the CD he recommended is pretty so so and I wish I'd gotten the Weakerthans album instead). i just thought it was a funny encounter.