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Strip for 9/12/2001  
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Um, hi.

I almost wasn't going to put up a strip today since the nation is in shock.

I was going to put up a few ramblings about the new apartment and how I feel disconnected being practically alone in a place with little furniture, whatever. Those feelings don't seem to weigh much compared to the thought of one's friends and families in unknown condition across the country.

The reason I finally put it up? Because Sil wrote it and I miss her so much and because she is in DC currently and she's OK she said and I'm really glad for that and I don't think that she'll be able to see this, but perhaps she will. And maybe she'll smile. I hope people smile. A little.

I hope that you've been able to get word about your friends and relatives out there in NY.

Anyway, today's not really a day for humor, so I won't try to add any to this blurb.

See you Saturday.
